Fulfilling Our Mission

Volume 7,  Issue 4,  April, 2024

He who began a good work in you will bring it to completion…   Philippians 1:6

If you have been following the recommended schedule of Bible reading found in your weekly bulletin, you have probably taken notice of how powerful God’s word is.  Sadly, too often we do not stand on this knowledge and live our lives in fear, discouragement, and defeat.  This month let us consider all the evidence the Bible gives us to support the claim that God’s word is indeed powerful.

What evidence does the Bible gives us of the power of God’s Word?

  • From Genesis 1:3-26 we read that God spoke all of creation into existence!  On top of that, God proclaimed that all He had created was “good.”  At this point sin had not entered our world, so there was no death, disease, decay, or destruction.
  • In Genesis 6 and 7, God instructed Noah on how to build the ark and even brought all the animals to it so every animal kind would survive the Flood.
  • In Exodus, God informed Moses of all the plagues He brought against Egypt, including the final plague, the death of all the firstborn of Egypt.
  • In Exodus 14, we see that God is credited with the miraculous separating of the Red See so the children of Israel could escape the pursuing Egyptians.
  • In Mark we read of the number of instances in which Jesus cast out demons from possessed people.
  • In Luke we see several instances of the power of the Lord’s words:
      ~   Luke 7, the healing of the centurion’s servant
      ~   Luke 7, the raising of the widow’s son
      ~   Luke 8, Jesus calms a storm
      ~   Luke 8, Jesus heals a man with a demon
      ~   Luke 13, Jesus heals a woman with a disabling spirit
      ~   Luke 17, Jesus cleanses 10 lepers
      ~   Luke 18 Jesus heals a blind beggar
  • John 2:19-22, Jesus predicts his resurrection after 3 days.
  • John 19:30, Jesus proclaims, “It is finished,” his final word on the cross. Sin, death, and the devil have now been defeated, and the faithful have been redeemed!

What should this mean to Christians?

  • The Lord’s word is truth.  We can trust it.
  • We should not allow the devil to lead us into doubt or despair.
  • We should do everything in our power to fill our hearts and minds with biblical truth, so we can face the difficult times the world throws at us.
  • We should make sure our thoughts reflect God’s Word and truth.
  • What God has said will happen at His appointed time.

What effect will this have on our outreach?

  • We will not allow the devil to lead us astray with false doctrine.  God’s Spirit will be at work in us.
  • We will not let opposition or challenging circumstances throw us into doubt and despair.
  • We will be bold in our witness of Jesus, the cross, and the Resurrection, knowing we speak eternal truth.
  • We will have a heart to reach the lost and fulfill our calling.
  • We will know that the power of God’s Word sustains us and produces His outcome.


 To God alone be the glory! 
