Messiah cares about the spiritual growth of her children, desiring that church become something more than a place they spent an hour on some Sunday mornings. As with adults, Children’s ministry can be seen in two categories:
EDUCATION. Weekly age-appropriate classes are held for Messiah’s children and youth after the worship hour. Their instructors know and love the Lord and are creative in their attempts to capture the imaginations of these children and draw them to Jesus. Of course, Vacation Bible School adds to this experience.
INVOLVEMENT. Messiah works to be mindful of involving children in the ministry wherever possible. Parents who have served on Altar Guild have brought along their children as they set the altar and chancel for each week’s services. Youth has assisted with Vacation Bible School and even younger children have participated in Monday School at the Rescue Mission. Game nights are a wonderful opportunity for kids and adults to relax with one another. Our children have enjoyed riding our float in the homecoming parade or walking along to hand out Truck or Treat flyers.