What to Expect

When you come to Messiah you will find a group of welcoming and loving Christians committed to sharing the love of Jesus with you in worship and activities.

The worship services at Messiah use the traditional liturgy of the LCMS.  The church uses Lutheran Service Book for hymns and liturgy.

We at Messiah welcome and encourage the attendance of children in our worship service. If you need to take your child out for a brief time during worship, please use the seating area that is just on the other side of the glass.  This will allow both parents and children the opportunity to remain a part of the worship experience.  If you feel circumstances require moving beyond this seating area, please see one of our ushers or elders for further assistance.

The Lutheran Church Of The Messiah asks that anyone requesting communion be a confirmed member in good standing of the LCMS, LC-C, or AALC Church.  Guests that are not confirmed or in good standing with the LCMS or a church that the LCMS is in Pulpit and Altar Fellowship with are welcome at the communion rail for a blessing.  Please come up with everyone else when your row is excused by an usher, fold your hands, and bow your head when you are approached by those who are serving.  
